Thursday, March 25, 2010

Kids Say the Darnest Things!

So today I was my 3rd grade classroom and this boy said the funniest thing to me! I nearly died laughing! Our conversion went something like this....

3rd Grader: "Miss Van Zandt, you look just like my mom."

Me: "Oh, thanks." (being polite...he is so cute and was being so sweet!)

3rd Grader: "Well, except that she is Mexican!"

Me: "Well I am definately not Mexican, but thanks!"

**** I have laughed ALLLLLLLLLL day about this! It was so funny I near fell over!

One thing, I love about education is it is never boring and the kids can totally make your day by saying something so sweet! :)

Hope you had a fabulous Thursday!

Tomorrow is Friday!
{Praise Jesus!}

1 comment:

Jessica said...

hahah that is sooo funny! I love kids!