Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I've Got Mail!

Yesterday, I received a belated birthday present! It was so fun to go to my mailbox and find a package! :) Here is what I got....

This really neat cookbook that has lots of yummy recipes! :)

Wonderful cards from my cousins! :)

And a gift card to Bed, Bath, and Beyond! :)

Thank you so much Uncle Craig, Aunt Amy, Ella and Cole!!!!! Love you!
Tomorrow is my official start to Spring Break! I am taking Friday off so Spring Break is tomorrow! I am so looking forward to a great week! It all starts tomorrow night by seeing Taylor Swift in concert!!!!!!!! (yes, again!) My cousin Heather is coming and I can't wait to see her!
Hope you had a wonderful Wednesday! :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I loove getting mail! When I lived on campus at school they would email you if you got a package- ha it felt like Christmas!
Hope you have an awesome Spring Break! Mine was this week- and its going by too quickly- gotta admit I'm so going to miss have breaks when I get into the "real world"