Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This Book Could Change the World...

Over the Christmas break, I read this book. "The Same Kinda Different as Me." From the outside this book doesn't look out of the ordinary or special by any means, but the story inside is what counts. This is a story I believe could change and would change the world if more people read it!
It is about a couple, Ron & Deborah Hall, and a man, Denver Moore. The Hall's were an upper class family living in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and Denver was a homeless man. God intertwined their lives and their story. Normally, these two paths would not have crossed but because Deborah was willing to serve others God changed not only her life, but that of her husband's and Denver's.
This is a story of true Love. Love that could only come from Jesus. This type of love changes everything. The Gospel changes everything. We should be different because we are recipients of this Love. What would the world look like if Believers all over showed this love? What differences would we see?
I think we would realize that others are the same kinda different as me!

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