Saturday, April 24, 2010

My 2nd 5K!!!!

Today, I ran my second 5K race! I ran my first 5K race two weeks ago. My dad ran with me again and we finished together! It is so nice to run with him! My roommate also ran the 5K. My mom and sister completed it too! So we had a great morning and a lot of fun! My dad and I bet our previous time by a minute and forty-one seconds! I was so proud! So today, we finished in 35 minutes and 40 seconds! :) (I know for some that is slow but so great for me!!!!)

Me and my roommate, Stefanie...pre race!

My family...pre race!

Stefanie and I post race!!!!! :)

My Dad and I after the race!

Bethany and Mom did the race together!

The four of us at the FINISH line! :)

After the race!

Me :)

Bethany, Me, and Stefanie

This was fun climbing on a fire truck! :)

Bethany and I

My Dad and Mom

The four of us!

{I think this should be in the "running" for this years Christmas card picture!!}

Hope you had a great Saturday!


Jessica said...

(: keep it up girl! That's great that you improved your time from the last run!
you are making me want to run a 5k!

Laura said...

So fun! Good job improving on your times!!! I LOVE competing in races with my family! My sisters, cousins and I do triathlons in the summer. It's such a blessing to be able to do it with family by your side.

Hayley Kathryn said...

Ummm..that's incredibel!! Great job! I just started running every day last week with a friend- and it takes me like 20 minutes to do 2 miles. And you can do FIVE in 35min? That's awesome! I hope I can get there!

Looks like you found your new hobby! :)