Friday, April 9, 2010

Breaking Free

This is the new Bible study that I bought today. It is called "Breaking Free!" I have been hearing great things about it for a few weeks and thought in this season of my life it would be very applicable. Beth Moore is wonderful and I have loved everything that I have heard/seen/read from her! I will keep you posted on how I like it!
"Breaking Free" has been what I feel like a theme for me in 2010. I have said no to a lot of things in the past that I would have done out of obligation...just because I felt like I had to! That has been freeing to say the least.
The biggest thing that has been freeing this year is the fact that I have lost 30 pounds since 2010 started! I have wondered when to blog about this because weight is always a personal issue... I know! I feel like now I can talk about it because I have come pretty far and I am doing great and feeling wonderful which is so important!!!!
I started doing Weight Watchers on January 10th at home. I was just am following the points system and doing well! In February, I joined officially and now go to weekly meetings! It is wonderful to be around people who want to be healthy and take action to do it!
Before the new year, the Holy Spirit and I were going round and round (please tell me you do this too!) and I was very convicted about not being healthy and taking care of the body that the Lord has graciously blessed me with! That is my goal to be healthy. I am eating healthy and working out nearly everyday, which brings me to another new thing.
Tomorrow morning I am running in a 5K race with my dad. I signed up about six weeks ago and last week my dad decided he wanted to run with me! I am so glad and happy he is going to! This will be my first race ever! I will post tomorrow about how the race goes and such.
I feel free.
So I put these pictures side by side so you can see the difference. The one on the left was taken Easter 2009 {when truthfully I was probably about 35+ pounds heavier than I am now} and the one on the right was taken last weekend {Easter 2010}!

{I know my hair was dark and very short last year!!!}
I am glad I finally shared this with you. Being healthy/exercising takes up a lot of my life besides school now, so I am sure I will keep you updated periodically with how I am doing!
A lighter,

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Wow, that is so amazing that you have been sticking to your goal and trying to become healthy!! YOU LOOK GREAT!!

and good luck on the 5k, can't wait to hear about it!! (: