Sunday, October 18, 2009

Just for Me

Isn't it amazing how the you can go to church and feel like the message is just for you?

Today we talked about "Desperate Times, Desperate Measures!"

As Christians, we should be desperate! Desperate to share the Good News of our Savior! There is 2.2 billion people who don't know His name! We have much to do! :)

In Mark 2, there is a story about a man with palsy and four men take him to Jesus to be healed. The man could not get himself to Jesus. The men were desperate to get the man to Jesus because they know HE (Jesus) was the man's only hope! They didn't see a way to Jesus through a door so they put a hole in the roof and lowered the man to Jesus. This is desperate to get someone to the feet of the Savior. These men were not afraid to get dirty and show how important Jesus is! Something we can take from this story is when "there isn't a door open start making some holes!"

What would are lives look like if we lived that desperate to get others to the feet of Jesus? He is the only One that can heal, change and restore lives! HE is the answer! Don't keep the truth to yourself! Be desperate just like the men of Mark 2! :)

May we be desperate for the touch of Jesus!

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