Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Long Time No Write...

Hello One and All,

I hope you read this in the middle of preparing your heart for the great things that Christmas brings. Since it has been a little bit since my last post, here's the update...

Thanksgiving... was a great time, though it was really hard to feel like it was actually Thanksgiving. I struggled with it already being the end of November and just not believing that December was already around the corner.

I am really thankful this year; I am so blessed and can't believe even began to recall the blessings the Lord has lavished upon me this year. I have a wonderful family who I love to talk to and spend time with. I attend an outstanding university where I have the privilege of working on my degree! I am blessed with some great friends who encourage me and strengthen my relationship with the Lord. I am a child of the doesn't get any better than that! :)

Well, I can go on forever about things I am thankful for and trying to thank God daily for these blessings because Thanksgiving is not just a one day a year holiday it is a life style and mind set we should live.

Lately, (since Thanksgiving) I have been completing some Christmas shopping, and mostly been finishing studying to finish the semester strong. I am finished with two of my five finals and have three to go in the next few days. This semester has been really great....the Lord is teaching some valuable lessons and I am continuing to walk deeper in a relationship with Him.

As of tonight, I have began my Christmas wrapping and only getting started! Hopefully in the next few days I will get some more done. I have decided to wrap all my gift (that I am giving to people) in black and it is fun shopping for the coordinating paper and such.

I LOVE Christmas time...there is just something about hearing people sing about our Savior, setting aside time to be with family and friends, okay and of course the great abundance of food that is so amazingly delicious, and I could continue to go on... the main reason is the Baby. I love babies, but this Baby has completely stolen my heart for all of eternity! Christmas is about worshipping the Baby and knowing what HE means. In this little baby, God sent the Savior that paid the ransom for all and suffered so that we may live freely with Him.

I am worshipping that Baby and thanking his Father that He sent Him.

May you experience the joy that is meant for this season, the peace that is offered and the grace that is given!

Merry Christmas!

Briana Kate

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